Can A Melanoma Be Colorless. Melanoma lesions can appear asymmetric whereas healthy moles are typically symmetrical. This is why it s so critical to become very familiar with every mole on your body.

We wanted to identify patients at higher risk for amelanotic melanoma in whom we need to look carefully for this cancer type says nancy e. A nodular melanoma developing within an amelanotic melanoma in situ on the scalp. However melanoma can come in any size.
Nodular melanoma melanoma is comprised of five subgroups.
It can even escape detection by a dermatologist conducting a routine skin exam because its color makes its irregular borders and asymmetry more difficult to notice with the naked eye. A melanoma mole will have different shades of the same color such as brown or black or splotches of different colors e g white red gray black or blue. Melanoma lesions can appear asymmetric whereas healthy moles are typically symmetrical. In fact a benign mole can even be black or what appears to be black.